The FCA logo is in fact made up of the letter F, C, and A - all coming together in harmony - much like our outlook on techniques.

Freeform Combative Arts

Why Learn Self-Defense?

As a practitioner of martial arts and self-defense for nearly two decades, and now acting as an instructor in modern day self-defense I’m often asked, “Why bother to learn self-defense? What’s the point?” It is a fair question, especially since I’ve been living in a rather safe place with limited violent crime for several years now. I always answer this question the same way – “It’s like insurance.”

People choose to learn and study martial arts for various reasons – some do it for health and wellness, for hobby, or for self-defense. I personally do it for all of the previously mentioned. Let’s focus on the self-defense reason however.

In all honesty do I expect to have to use the little I’ve learned over the years to protect myself or others from a threat? No, I don’t and I certainly hope I don’t have to.

But, should that day come where I have to protect myself or others I will certainly be glad I have the “insurance” of taking the time to practice self-defense, rather than being caught unprepared, without options.

Much like we all don’t like the idea of paying for auto or health insurance (and we’ll often complain about the costs),we can all agree that if we have an unfortunate accident we are more than happy to have it.